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Champagne Problems

Some of us have had quite a bit of those this year. Not being able to see friends. Stuck on Zoom. Not being able to attend concerts, comedy shows, dinner with friends, or movies. Our gym is closed. We’re beginning to look like Sasquatch because it’s been so long since we could get waxed and cut our hair…

But that’s not what we’re talking about here.

What we’re actually talking about is a real champagne problem, meaning—you rang in the New Year, and when you popped that cork, the champagne exploded, fizzling all over your beautiful sofa or bright white rug.

Oh, no.

Act quickly! The longer you wait, the more the stain settles into the fabric fibers and spreads. Sugars in alcohol attract dirt and soil. Take a warm wet (but not sopping wet) towel, mix in a little dish soap and then blot, blot, blot!

When you are done blotting, get a new towel with warm water and blot the soapy water out.

If that fails, or you woke up the next morning, looked at your surroundings and wondered what happened in Vegas?, professional steam cleaning is your fallback option.

Happy New Year from all of us at PopUP CleanUP! We hope 2021 brings you enough cause to celebrate that you have real champagne problems instead of pandemic-fueled ones.

For all of your professional residential and commercial cleaning needs, book the experts at

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